young professional 2

Hi, I'm Wes! I'm a husband, father, wanna-be surfer, ok-climber, and full-time coach. For more info about me and how I coach, click HERE. Otherwise, I'm excited for you to learn more about the Young Professionals Groups below.



College probably feels like a lifetime ago. You’re out in the working world now! You might be taking a class or two for a graduate degree, but the majority of your time is spent as an employee, not a student. Maybe some aspects of this freedom and responsibility are a welcome change; maybe others are already leaving you with feelings of disillusionment and growing unrest, even if you are working in your degree field:

Is this it? Is this what I studied for? 

What if I don’t want to work in this field at all?!

Something feels off, out of sync. Or is it out of alignment? Maybe this is new awareness for you, or maybe one that is at least growing in volume: this is NOT what I want to be doing. But what are the next steps?? The halls of academia stand open to offer you another degree, surely that’s the solution.


Let’s connect here first. Participants in the Young Professional groups are primed to discover a new alignment and empowered to design actions that will establish a course toward the best versions of themselves. The tension and second-guessing you’re feeling is fertile ground for a coaching experience! I personally believe that the betterment of yourself, your relationships, your communities - and ultimately our world - may be tied directly to your awareness of the role you are meant to play, the space you are meant to inhabit, the person you are meant to become. That’s not to say that a new job or a new degree isn’t for you, but gaining the clarity on how these (or any) options align with your values and visions is a priceless investment into your future.

[Total program cost = $1800. Payment plans consist of two installments of $900 or three payments of $600. Weekly group sessions are 1 hour; weekly individual sessions may vary from 15 min - 1 hr depending on preference. Cohort dates/times are announced in advance of registration; accompanying individual sessions are scheduled after registration based on availability.]


There's LOTS of stats and data on the ROI of coaching, but this slide is just more fun!

Let's do this.

Let's get you going!