Density of Thought

Maybe you've heard of The Law of Attraction? It can conjure a bad rap in some contexts, but it other "higher-energy" settings, the idea can be powerful.

Here's a quote from the book Letting Go, by Dr. Hawkins, "What is held in the mind tends to manifest." That makes sense to me.

Yet again, I heard a teacher/coach by the name of Dominic Scaffidi summarize it this way:  "What you appreciate, appreciates."


I like that.

Dominic went on to describe applying "density of thought" to that which you want. More of, less of, some of. Whatever it is that you want to manifest, one must apply density of thought to it.

And what gets in the way of this exercise?

I'll give you a hint:  it probably fits in your pocket.

For me, I had to begin limiting my screen time. Instead of losing countless minutes a day taking in some form of media, I've started applying those precious minutes to giving density of thought to what my heart desires.

What do I envision 60 looking like?
What kind of shape to I want to be in?
What do I want my finances to look like?
What relationships do I want with my then-adult kids?
Who do I envision them becoming?

And on and on.

It's not easy at first. If I'm waiting in the truck in the school pick-up line, my brain would rather have the ear candy of a podcast or newsfeed. But I'm slowly learning to value this practice instead.

What about you?
What do you envision?
What's the enemy of applying "density of thought" to it?


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